Shogofa is an Afghani mother of two boys and regular student in SHC's English classes. Her youngest son (left) is a lively member of SHC's Early Childhood enrichment program for children who come to class with mom. 

SHC: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your life here?

Shogofa: I am from Afghanistan. My two brothers, my cousin and my sister in law live in the neighborhood. I am happy here because security is good. School is good for the children. There are more job opportunities.

SHC: What has been your greatest difficulty in the US?

Shogofa: I miss my family because I have lived four years in the US and have not gone back. I wanted to travel this summer, but we cannot because of Coronavirus.

SHC: You have been studying English with SHC and you are a very hard-working student. Why is English important to you?

Shogofa: Yes, I want to speak faster English. Everybody is staying in the US so they need to learn English. Women do everything here and need to speak English. And I want to be able to help my children with their school homework. I like to learn English at SHC because the teachers help every student. I love all the teachers working at SHC.

SHC: What do you dream to accomplish in the future?

Shogofa: I want to do my driving test. I want to have a job, after my son starts school. My dream is to start a clothing shop with clothes from different cultures. I would design them with my friends and order them from Afghanistan. The Afghani dress is very beautiful and colorful.

SHC: You always help other students in class and now you encourage women in your community to help families back home in Afghanistan as well. Tell us more about this?
Shogofa: I told my friends that every time I go shopping, and if I spend $200, I want to save $20 and give it to people in Afghanistan who have no work or food. $20 is not much money in the US but it is a lot to a person in Afghanistan. Now twenty one people are saving and if a family is not doing well we can help. I really want to help my people. I tell my husband that when I work, I want to send money to Afghanistan every time I get paid.

SHC: What do you wish people knew about Afghani people coming to the US?
Shogofa: Afghani people here are supported. American people are very kind, they know about Afghani history.

SHC: Is there anything else you would like to share?

Shogofa: Thank you. I am glad to stay here. My neighborhood is good. My neighbors, Spanish, African and everyone is very kind and respectful. I respect them too.